Here are the top 10 reasons you should consider making Maple Grove Church of God your church home.
#10: Biblical Grounding
Everything we do is rooted in Scripture. We don’t do anything “just because” – our whole life together is formed and informed by the Word of God. Our pastor preaches solid biblical sermons every week – no fluff! Each sermon carefully considers each biblical text in its context. Our minds and souls are richly fed on the Word of God every Sunday and Wednesday.
#9: Youth and Children
We care deeply for youth and children. We value them so much that almost every one of our members is personally involved in youth and children’s ministry.
#8: Everyone is Treated as a Child of God
You are a child of God, and we will treat you that way. Nobody here has the right to treat anyone else as if they do not matter. We accept people right where they are, and we do not expect anyone to be something he or she is not. Everyone counts – everyone is treated the same, regardless of race or social status.
#7: Classic Worship
Our worship services are honest, genuine, heartfelt worship of the living God. We respect and reflect the traditions of previous generations of Christians while striving for contemporary relevance.
#6: Intimacy of Relationships
We all know and love each other by name. We happily welcome new members into this loving fellowship all the time. One of our core convictions is that relationships are everything!
#5: We love and nurture our children!
Reaching out, connecting to and involving our children is very important to us. We want them to carry on the tradition of Maple Grove when they get older.
#4: Our Pastor
We feel very blessed to have the Jordan Davis as our pastor. His sermons are always biblical, relevant and practical.
#3: Families Worship Together
Worship is a family affair – parents and children worship together. We do provide nursery care for infants up to age six.
#2: Participation
Our size – under 100 members – allows everyone to participate, not just spectate. For example, many different people serve in different ways as worship leaders every Sunday. And there is a place of ministry and witness for everyone who wants to be involved in any phase of our life together!
#1: If God is Calling You!
In fact, this is the only reason to choose any church! We believe that God calls people to become part of a church family. And the only advice we have for you is that you pray and ask God where He is leading you to worship and to serve.