At Maple Grove, the most important thing we do is worship God. Without question, this is central to our life as a body of believers. When we gather every Sunday morning at 10:15 AM, our primary focus is not on ourselves but on the Lord. We join together to exalt God, lifting our voices in praise to the One who gives us life in all its fullness.
Our pastor carefully prepares instructive and practical sermons. The music is chosen to complement the scripture readings. When Maple Grove gathers in worship, God is the audience and we are the participants in giving Him praise.
Various persons help lead our worship by reading scripture, singing, playing an instrument, sharing a children’s story, serving as an usher or greeter, etc. You might be one of those persons if you have gifts in those areas. But we believe the whole congregation is the worship team – no one is a spectator!
As you consider where God is calling you to make your church home, remember that – above all – the reason a congregation meets is to worship God in spirit and truth. If this is your heart’s desire, we believe you’ll be able to do this at Maple Grove.